

(42.)123  1941 - Counter Attack 615900
(25.)094  64th. Street - A Detective Story 369951
(2.)094  88' Games 147860
(34.)094  Acrobat Mission 85100
(36.)077  Aero Fighters 358600
(12.)123  Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2 560200
(25.)112  Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3 434800
(61.)123  Air Buster 33800
(17.)069  Arabian 59150
(6.)077  Ark Area 547500
(31.)123  Armed Police Batrider {advanced} 639610
(27.)077  Asteroids 22710
(11.)069  Bank Panic 479950
(49.)077  Bells & Whistles  256900
(50.)123  Black Heart 51500
(26.)077  Blood Bros. 411400
(16.)077  Bomb Jack 384990
(11.)077  Bombjack Twin 628060
(10.)094  Borderline 16350
(60.)123  Cabal 457810
(8.)077  Captain America and The Avengers 185301
(24.)077  Champion Wrestler 1226600
(16.)112  Chuckie Egg 23680
(8.)123  Crazy Climber 75050
(19.)123  Daioh 1067660
(84.)123  DoDonPachi 3204380
(19.)102  Double Dragon 102350
(21.)123  Double Dragon II - The Revenge 33840
(5.)069  Dr. Micro 122790
(42.)094  Dragon Spirit 39480
(40.)077  Elevator Action 28450
(5.)083  Fatal Fury - King of Fighters 88600
(5.)083  Fatal Fury 2 107500
(76.)123  Flying Shark 70990
(16.)123  Frogger 22110
(15.)112  Galaga 182740
(33.)112  Galaga '88 111910
(12.)077  Gang Busters 166900
(18.)123  Garou - Mark Of The Wolves (prototype) 598300
(19.)069  Ghouls'n Ghosts 19900
(24.)077  Growl 48800
(20.)123  H.E.R.O. 38195
(5.)069  Hachoo! 92100
(16.)094  Hammerin' Harry 49300
(14.)069  Hard Head 112300
(5.)094  Hyper Sports 164150
(8.)094  Karnov 554920
(29.)123  Lightning Fighters 146340
(21.)094  Magmax 99900
(24.)123  Mat Mania 53850
(8.)102  MegaPlay: Sonic the Hedgehog 89460
(27.)094  Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II 1250150
(11.)077  Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 1647270
(11.)069  Michael Jackson's Moon Walker 219970
(15.)000  Mikie 26200
(12.)123  Moon Patrol 103190
(11.)123  Ms. Pac-Man (speedup hack) 107930
(12.)094  Neo Turf Masters {Germany} 73100
(1.)112  NeoGeo Cup'98 - The Road to the Victory {world} 95601nepřekonatelný ARCADE rekord po více než 3 roky!
(4.)102  NeoGeo Cup'98 - The Road to the Victory {europe} 81801
(3.)112  NeoGeo Cup'98 - The Road to the Victory {s. america} 71901
(2.)112  NeoGeo Cup'98 - The Road to the Victory {americas} 74001
(3.)123  NeoGeo Cup'98 - The Road to the Victory {africa} 71801
(5.)112  NeoGeo Cup'98 - The Road to the Victory {asia} 72001
(33.)069  Ninja Kids 316250
(16.)077  Pang 761940
(13.)094  Penguin-Kun Wars 153800
(4.)077  Ping Pong 45500
(14.)094  Pipi & Bibi / Whoopee !! 223230
(3.)069  Pitfall II 319770
(12.)069  Ponpoko 87000
(53.)123  PuckMan 25320
(11.)094  Rally Bike / Dash Yarou 75570
(6.)077  Renegade 85150
(8.)069  Ribbit! 1058
(20.)077  Rock'n Rage 73800
(24.)077  Rygar 886390
(57.)123  Saint Dragon 14500
(4.)094  Shingen Samurai-Fighter 115950
(27.)123  Silk Worm {heli} 186200
(16.)123  Silkworm 58070
(8.)094  Sly Spy 423600
(5.)102  Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom 1956380
(20.)123  Space Invaders 3950
(48.)123  Spin Masters / Miracle Adventure 67500
(9.)077  Splatter House 77500
(27.)123  Stinger 112350
(10.)077  Street Fighter 211100
(29.)123  Street Fighter Alpha: Warrior's Dreams 470700
(5.)102  Street Fighter II - The World Warrior 796900
(6.)094  Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition 786900
(7.)069  Super Glob 50468
(6.)112  Super Sidekicks 2 - World Championship {europe A} 24010
(4.)102  Super Sidekicks 2 - World Championship {oceania} 33010
(7.)123  Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers 588000
(18.)077  Swimmer 38550
(7.)094  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 94
(4.)094  The King of Fighters '94 157580
(26.)123  Track & Field 89630
(25.)123  Truxton 141050
(52.)123  Tumble Pop 63100
(90.)123  Twin Cobra 47090
(23.)069  Vasara 254680
(15.)102  Vs. Battle City 66600
(7.)077  Vs. Excitebike {beginner} 121850
(7.)123  Vs. Ice Climber 29410
(23.)069  Vs. Pinball 200780
(21.)123  Vs. Super Mario Bros. 133759
(1.)123  Wai Wai Jockey Gate-In! 137400nepřekonatelný ARCADE rekord po více než 3 roky!
(15.)077  Wonder Boy in Monster Land 47320
(40.)123  X Multiply 283100
(5.)094  Xain'd Sleena 1203450
(14.)102  Zero Point {beginner} 91312
(20.)123  Zupapa! 1032100

EMUX - KLUB ELITNÍCH HRÁČŮ: rekordy, emulátory, automaty, konzole a videohry